Social Skills Needed in Kindergarten
Coming to Kindergarten, students SHOULD be able to:
Demonstrate appropriate use of manners
please, thank you, you’re welcome, excuse me, no thank you, and yes please
Demonstrate personal hygiene
independent toileting skills; wiping & flushing
washing hands
Demonstrate dressing skills
buttoning, zippering, snapping clothing/coats/backpacks
independently putting your own shoes
Demonstrate healthy relationships amongst peers and adults
sharing, using kind words
respecting personal space/property
follows simple directions
asks for help
Maintain consistent attendance in school
being on time
following class/school routines
open communication between home and school
After a successful year of Kindergarten, students will be able to:
Adjusts to new situations
Attempts new tasks knowing it’s okay to make mistakes
Shows pride in accomplishments
Stays with an activity to completion
Demonstrates increasing self-control
Participates in clean-up activities
What you can do at home:
Let your child dress him/herself on the weekend
Require your child to speak complete sentences
Play games together from start to finish, play by the rules
Clean up different areas of home with direction and guidance